Republic of Mathematics blog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Individual gain and engagement with mathematical understanding

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: June 7, 2014

My colleague Mercedes McGowen and I examined a measure of individual student gain by pre-service elementary teachers, remedy related to Richard Hake’s use of mean gain in the study of reform classes in undergraduate physics. The gain statistic assesses the amount individual students increase their test scores from initial-test to final-test, and as a proportion of […]

Apparent puzzles with goodness-of-fit tests

Posted by: Gary Ernest Davis on: November 9, 2013

Given two data sets it is a not unreasonable question to ask if they have similar distributions. For example, if we produce one data set of 500 numbers between 0 and 1, chosen uniformly and randomly (at least as randomly as we can using a pseudo-random number generator), and another data set of 500 numbers […]